Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Process We Use at Sweeten Life Systems

At Sweeten Life Systems, Inc. we are working on very difficult issues that face us a persons and Christians.  Old ideas about how to solve this problems just do not seem to work. We need new ideas and new solutions. Changes in society require different ways to resolve these issues.

For example, our ageing population is impacting churches dramatically. Churches are largely run by older people so they find it difficult to recruit young people  while holding on to their more mature and better giving members. As a result, churches have a problem with music and services that appeal with only the older group.

A member of our church, Jim Donovan, had over 30 years of experience doing research and designing new products at P&G. During that time, Jim learned how to use advanced methods of innovation to design how new products are  developed. 

Jim brought that innovative approach to me as a Minister of Discipleship in the 80's. I had responsibility for training all ages from the cradle to the grave. The need for an alternative service for young people became apparent. Very few kids attended the "Adult Services" and their parents complained that we needed to do something new.

Jim led a focus group for the young people to discern their ideas and insights and needs. We listened carefully to our "Customers" and they told us what they wanted.

They said:

1. We want a service for our selves. We want to plan it and run every Sunday!
2. We want music and speakers that focus on our age that relate to us.
3. We want a style that suits our preferences.

Jim and I went to the Elders and set up a service designed by the young people, led by them, music by them. The attendance went from 10 kids to 50 or more plus many adults that preferred the service to the "Adult" service.


What do you think about that?

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