Sunday, July 17, 2016

What Are We to do as Christians?

I am home watching TV and recuperating from an accident that leaves mu unable to use both hands to type. Pain, sadness, grief, fear and distrust are rampant. Every one of those emotions stimulates a Fight and Flight Reaction in many people.

What are we Christians to do?

I am no expert on these things, for sure. I will suggest a few things from scripture.

1. Pursue peace with all people.
2. We are not at war with other people. Our enemy is spiritual not human.
3. Be peacemakers whenever possible.
4. Be at peace ourselves. We cannot promote peace if we are not peaceful ourselves. Peace with God, with ourselves, with others.
5. Do not allow anything come out of tour mouth that does not foster peace. Always bless other people, even those with whom we disagree.
6. Death or life are in our words. Speak life.
7. Pray without ceasing.
8. Practice the Golden Rule.
9. Visit a person, group or church of a differen culture, race, political party, faith, culture, social class.
10. Ask God to guide you.

Check out our web page for materials on  peace and

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