Saturday, September 26, 2015

Work with the Poor and Disenfranchised

I grew up in a poor home and know the limitations of poverty. Thankfully we were not part of the generational poverty we see now so we worked hard, saved our money and got an education.

Many young people are stuck in a system that promotes generational poverty. That is tragic and we need to put our best thinking caps on to figure out ways to help people break that cycle.

Breaking any generational cycle is difficult because all of us are like the fish of the sea. We swim in whatever water we grow up in. To suggest that fresh water is better than salt water sounds irrational and impossible. Poor people have poor ways, my dad always said. They grow up in poverty with a lack of education, poor habits, overspending, etc because that is what they know.

But poor people can change. They can develop positive, healthy patterns if they get a chance. DOHN Community Recovery School in Cincinnati is giving high school students an opportunity to learn new habits and thrive in a school that supports them in their struggle.

Healthy Visions, Inc., led by Carole Adlard received a grant from the state to prepare 25 Mentors to volunteer to go into the school and support 25 students as they study, learn and discover ways to prosper. I spent the day with those Mentor Trainees today going over the keys to building a successful relationship with those young men and women.

Can you support us in our effort? See more here.

The Pope has been preaching compassion and service to the poor during his visit and I agree that it is necessary for us Christians to do what we can to help them break the cycle of poverty.

Thanks for your prayers and support.

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