Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Family Function and Generational Consequences

One of the best insights I received from Rabbi Ed Friedman, a Jewish Rabbi. Dr. Ed Friedman taught me how to assess the functionality of a family. We saw how using a simple diagram called a Genogram to look at the ways family members are connected to one another.

By doing a simple Genogram or Family Map we can start getting a better idea how our history and past events continue to impact us today. Why not try an experiment and jot down your own family of origin. Dad in the square box on top left and Mom in the round circle on top right. Then your brothers and sisters according to birth order on the bottom with birth and death dates.

If you really like this kind of stuff and are interested you can buy my book, "How to Be Me in My Family Tree" from the online bookstore. It is a downloadable PDF. file you can print out.

The Russian doll says it all. Want to do your Family of Origin and send it to me for hints on how to understand it?

Gary Sweeten

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