Monday, July 15, 2013

Best Ways to Reach Unchurched?

It's a big question among most Preachers, Pastors, Ministers and Evangelists. It probably has been for a long time. Tom Rainer is the head of research for the Southern Baptists and he posted nine things that do not work in church anymore to reach the un-churched.  His ideas unleashed a torrent of posts and letters.

I am interested in what you, dear readers, see as key to recruiting new visitors and gaining members. What have you tried or seen that seemed to work as a human magnet?

I will add my ideas and suggestions and maybe we can get a word from the Lord.

By the way, many of the comments had to do with motivating members to do outreach. Take a look at the neat eBook by Bob and Ken Shull called Simply Leading.  It can be downloaded from our web and printed from the pdf. file.

We also have a great little book written by a retired couple who bought a Winnebago and went from church to church equipping the members in Evangelism, small groups, pastoral care, etc. It shows what can happen when lay people get motivated. It will inspire your Seasoned Believers to leave their padded pews to advance the Kingdom. It is Gods Threads or What a Coincidence

Have a glorious day!

Gary Sweeten

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