Tuesday, July 7, 2015

What is True Moral Guilt?

A lot of people say "I feel guilty ..." but have no idea what True Moral Guilt is. People seem to feel guilty about all sorts of things that have no connection with sin.

True Moral Guilt is the "Conviction by God's word that we have violated  His moral or ethical commands". Many of the commands of God are contained in the famous Ten Commandments. They focus on relationships with God, self and each other.  Any violation of these Commands leave us with True Moral Guilt and "Conviction of my Sin". True Moral Guilt is removed on by Confession and Forgiveness.

There are also "Guilt Feelings" that arise from violating a social, family or community ideal. For example, there is a "Law of Reciprocity" that says if I give you a gift for Christmas you "should" give me one as well. If I fail I may feel "guilty" but it is not True Moral Guilt at all. It is really feeling embarrassed not "Conviction of my Sin".

Many struggle mightily with social guilt that comes from the "Shoulds" that others use to control us. Preachers and churches "Should on" us in an effort to get us to donate, attend church more or carry out their plans. This is "False Guilt". It is removed by understanding and rejecting it.  The origin of false guilt is not God but manipulative people.

For too long Christians have confused False Guilt with True Moral Guilt. My culture had strong SHOULDS about facial hair, wearing shorts, watching movies, rock music, etc. and I have counseled thousands of people who grew up with False Guilt that they confused with True Moral Guilt. As a result many of them suffered from anxiety, depression, and compulsive drinking or other behavior.

But the Good News sets us free from both False and True Guilt. Do you know anyone that needs to be free?

My books cover all this and will set you free from both True Moral Guilt and False Guilt. Power Christian Thinking will set you free from misery and false guilt! 

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