Friday, April 17, 2015

Life Before and After Birth

I attended a wonderful banquet last night. It was sponsored by Life Forward, the new brand name of The Problem Pregnancy Centers of Cincinnati. I have supported a Pro-Life Position since before Roe Vs. Wade in 1973 and am still strongly Pro-Life.

The big room at the Savannah Center was filled with hundreds of well dressed guests who heard Wayne Watson, the famous singer, and Billy Graham's daughter Ruth. Both were terrific and Ruth was also powerful in a soft, sweet way.
her story is one of a The Prodigal daughter and out of wedlock children with special children as well. If you get a chance to hear her do so.

To see our strong Pro-Life focus, go to our web page for ways we help families after the birth of a special child. Nine Months of Pro-Life fervor is not enough. 

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