Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Pain of Pesimissim

Here we go again with things that tear us APART.

Adversity leads to Pessimism that leads to Aggravation and Anger. I can turn those feelings inward or outward. When my Aggravation and Anger are inside me it gets self-destructive. When I was working so hard to be perfect I used my anger at those failures to motivate myself to do better next time.  Some of my favorite ways to self motivate were horrible attacks on my self-worth.

I could say, things like "Gary, you are so stupid it is a wonder you made it through high school. "

I might predict my own terrible future with, "Gary, you will never amount to anything".

Of course that would inevitably lead me to Anxiety as well as Anger. What a "wonderful" mixture of good feelings and up-building self-talk.

After beating myself up I might switch and attack others with my Anger. It was always made to sound as though I was simply disagreeing with people but in reality I was mean and intentionally destructive. One time I was criticizing another person and my dad attempted to correct me. I replied, "I am just calling a spade a spade." Dad said, "No, you are calling it a damn shovel!"

Inner anger comes out in destructive ways. "It does not work bring God's blessings". 

If you think you can handle peace, get my book on PDF and print it out. It is called Power Christian Thinking.

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