Saturday, March 8, 2014

Anxiety, Depression and Stinking Thinking

In yesterday's post I mentioned the ABCD of Emotions. I know there are emotional words like


But when we are Anxious and Depressed it is usually accompanied by Stinking Thinking or a Belief System that has been a clanging False Alarm for months or years. False Alarm! What is that?

It means that whenever anything happens I don't like my Alarm Bells go off. The alarm sends signals of gloom and doom into my soul because of the old habits of Stinking Thinking up in my brain. It is like a False Alarm going off in a car next door when we want to sleep. Nobody is trying to steal the car and the owners are in Florida for a vacation so they can't turn it off. It drives you crazy!!!

The Limbic System of the Brain is connected to the Belief System and hard wired to every nerve in our body. It sends a signal of impending danger to the mind and body that causes the Fight/Flight hormones  to fire up. Then the Brain says, "Watch Out! Catastrophe on its way."

You get fearful and start to shake. The nervous system has gone on high alert making your eyes squint to better see the enemy. The muscles get tight and you look for a club or knife.Then afterward you are exhausted. If that happens daily several times it takes a huge toll on body and soul.

The end result is BURN OUT! All because of a false alarm! 

How can we turn the alarm off or make it less sensitive to false information?

Get my book, Power Christian Thinking to find relief.

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