Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Planting Seeds in the USSR

We have a very small ministry in Russia which has the largest land mass of any nation in the world. Yet, despite the tiny nature of our group it is mighty through Christ. Can such a few people really make a difference?

We think so.

In 1992 I went into Moscow to meet a Doctor that was also a Psychiatrist. Those two things were astounding enough but she was also a strong Christian! It was unheard in those heady days after Perestroika.

I recruited her to come to the USA to study in our Christ-centered, in-patient, psychiatric hospital with a strong program for addicts. It was eyeopening for her and for us because she saw God working in the lives of hopeless, helpless people. She returned to Moscow to set up the small ministry there which was designed to bring Christ, the Great Physician to the former USSR. Now, 22 years later it is happening, ever so slowly.

She is returning to see us in early May. Can you contribute to her travel expenses? Any amount will help us pay for a ticket and expenses. Pray about it.

Go to our web page to donate.

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