Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Bible Tells us How to Alter the Brain

So called experts denied the way Bible scholars depicted the brain. The Bible says we can alter our brain with the help of the Holy Spirit and Positive Practices.

"Do not be conformed to the world any longer. Be transformed by renewing your mind." Romans 12:2

St. Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit almost 2,000 years ago  to state something that was considered to be impossible. However, recent research into the brain has revealed that Jesus really knew about the brain all back then.

Now researchers are agreeing with the Bible. (Are you surprised?) Over the last few years, the ability to do research that tracks brain development and changes reveals the truth and about the brain.

RENEW is a brand new word Paul coined because of the coming of the Holy Spirit! It is not found in secular Greek literature because it is contrary to a secularist world view. It depicts the creation of life which was not originally present. It cannot happen without the miraculous, life giving Holy Spirit. 

God is saying, Be changed by allowing the new life of the Spirit to enter your thought process.  This is a tremendous promise. It means that we can radically change our lives by altering the ways we think! New life comes into our minds from God. The only way to continue accessing and growing in His life is by thinking His thoughts.

If you want to activate your brain to be healthier, start praying, memorizing the Bible and listening to great worship music.

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