Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Salvation and Healing for the World

A year later the Pastor visited Karen and me for 10 days. We spent 12 hours a day equipping him in everything I knew. He started a group for men who struggled with sexual dysfunctions who turned to pornography instead of a wife for intimacy.  He started with the men in his congregation and met monthly for study, sharing and prayers. Many needed healing from the wounds received because of the neglect of their fathers. Many of the men found freedom from pornography and were able to reignite intimacy with their wives.

During a long Skype call Pastor R told me that a hundred men were in his "Recovering Masculinity" groups at a family camp. He was teaching them about how to "Heal Their Father Wounds".  The Pastor said those strong, silent, educated men were weeping, crying out to God for healing and discovering how to care for their wives. Miraculous changes were happening all around! Men were feeling young and vital again!

He called to let me know that the visit here to Cincinnati was paying off in changed lives and changed marriages.  This will inevitably lead to changed churches and the sparks of revival.  We pray that God will use this to start a revival in a land where the church is almost dead.

This fall he will deliver two important talks at a Christian gathering on developing healthy sexuality. Pray that he will be anointed by the Spirit to give hope for change in the Humpty Dumpty men and women of Europe.

This is the way revival happens.

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