Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Evangelism in the Neighborhood

Ralph Winter, a famous Missionary overseas and here in the States taught us how to plan our work. Jesus said the harvest is big and interested in being in Christ. The problem is this: "Not enough to do the harvesting. Mobilize members to witness to the neighbors is a great idea.

Dr. Winter called that, E/1 or witnessing to the people most like you.It is another source of people that are likely to understand your faith and have some experience with Christianity. However, many attended church as children and dropped out for some reason. As a man told me last week, "The church has hurt me many more times than the world and at a much deeper level".

So, a lot of our neighbors are defensive about God, Christ and aggressive Christians. It means that the Jesus Model of outreach is doubly important for an effective witness. The Jesus Model is

1. Go as a Lamb, 
2. Offer Peace to everyone,
3. Sense any Peace that rests on them
4. Strike up a conversation with the people of peace
5. Have lunch, coffee and cakes with them
6. Listen a lot and talk little
7. If they tell you their pains and problems, ask if you may pray for them
8. If you pray, God will do something
9. Then you may gently say, "The Kingdom of God Came near you today". 
10. Jesus will rejoice with you

Sensitivity is critically important. Download the book by Steve Griebling and me, Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty.

And get the book, God Space by Doug Pollock. (Not on our web store I am sorry to say.)

1 comment:

Mary said...

True to that. We should always follow Jesus as an example.

Mary, spiritual healing