Thursday, January 18, 2018

Dr. King, Mother Teresa and Christian Maturity

I often wonder how Dr. King, Mother Teresa, and a few others were able to stay calm and peaceful in the midst of so much evil and pressure. I think a lot of it goes back to their ability to "Abide in Jesus" and draw His peace. (John 15:4)

It is very easy for me to judge other people, jump to conclusions about their character, and quickly condemn them while demanding revenge. This violation of the teaching of Jesus about "Refraining from judging lest we be judged as well" seems to spring full blown from my head. I have the ability to think my Perceptions are accurate. So, when I see or hear about someone's ideas, words, or actions I imagine my Perceptions for heart are 100% accurate. Thus, without a lawyer, jury, or impartial judge I condemn him and call for some kind of punishment. 

Research on the brain reveals quite another reality. My Perceptions are deeply impacted by my personal ideas and beliefs. For example, I believe my grandkids are the smartest, most beautiful, and loving children on earth! To my shock I discovered other grandparents disagree! They consider their grandkids to be the cutest and smartest of all! 

How can it be?

The Bible writers have a lot to say about such things. Their view of  human nature and the brain is right on! The same people that called Jesus their Savior during Palm Sunday called for Jesus, to be crucified a week later! (John 12). St. Paul said in order for us to see God at work we had to "Be transformed by the supernatural renewing of our minds". (Romans 12:2)

In our book Power Christian Thinking we spend a lot of time helping people recognize how their values, backgrounds, and ideas impact their Perceptions. 

When I served on the staff of a church, some of my close friends became angry with me. I had different ideas about the ordination of women than they. Each of us believed we had the TRUTH! I was sure I was right and they were sure they were right. We both read the same Bible verses yet we disagreed about what the scripture said. 

Disagreements like this can even lead to church splits, and angry accusations of heresy. Historically they have led to wars. But some people are peacemakers and are able to bring people of different Perceptions together.  

Dr. King and other mature Christians seemed to be able most of the time to fight hard for their views and still refuse to get hateful. That is maturity as it is described in Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

I pledge, to the best of my ability, to "Agree to disagree agreeably with my fellow humans." But please give me God's mercy when I fail for I am sure I shall!

Our books, videos and materials are designed to facilitate the growth and maturity into maturity and peacemaking. You might even wish to take advantage of them.

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