Sunday, July 6, 2014

How Best to Change the World?

The greatest revival preacher in America and England

A lot of my friends want to see a revival. I want a revival. Do you want a revival? What is revival and why would people want one?

They want a revival for several reasons.

1. Many came to faith in Christ during a revived sense of spiritual vitality and we liked it. We saw many people's lives dramatically changed and we want to see it again. An African preacher was heard praying at the tomb of John Wesley. He was saying over and over, "Do it again, Lord. Do it again!"

I agree. I would love to see the Jesus Movement operating in full force again. My life was changed radically and so were millions of others. (Read God's Forever Family by Larry Eskridge, to get the whole picture.)

More on this theme in the next post because I don't see revivals as the best way to bring societal changes. 

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