Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sex in Marriage-Intended For Pleasure

Many years ago Karen and I attended a conference on Marriage. The conference was held in St. Louis and was sponsored by a well-known Christian organization. It was at that conference that I heard about the fact that God gave humans sexual intercourse for several reasons, including pleasure.

The main sex education teacher was Ed Wheat, M.D. Ed and his wife spoke so openly and positively about sex that Karen and I along with several hundred other attendees were stunned. If I am not mistaken, it was the very first time  had ever heard sexual pleasure mentioned in the same sentence with "Jesus is Lord"!

As Rev. Ron Rand said in a sermon at College Hill one time, "We Christians are supposed to be totally naive about sex until our wedding night then suddenly become experts that night".  As Dr. Phil might say, "How is that working for you?"

One of the things Ed and his wife did was explain in some detail the physiology of men and women. Over the years I have met well educated couples who did not know women could have an orgasm.  One of the insights was that female orgasm is not necessary from a reproductive standpoint. It is intended solely for pleasure.

The book by Dr. Wheat had the same name as the seminar title and let me tell you that there was a mob rush to buy it at the break. It is still available from several sellers. I am boycotting Amazon because of their anti Christian promotions but you can get a later version here.

The latest issue of Web MD also has some brief points on the health benefits of marital sex.

Our books are great for building interpersonal relationships, peace, caring, gentleness, patience which are all necessary for great sex. However, Ed Wheat takes it much, much farther into the mechanics and practices of marital sex. If you do not have a GREAT RELATIONSHIP with your spouse, get my books first. Then get Ed's.

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