Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pastoral Burn: Is It a Problem or Fantasy?

The statistics about Pastoral Burn out and Pastors leaving the ministry to pursue another less stressful profession vary wildly. Some seem quite difficult to believe. Below is an inforgraphic from Asbury Seminary showing the issues that arose in a survey of Pastors.

(C) Asbury Seminary

How do these stats seem to you? Too low? Too high?

1. 25% say they have no place to turn when stressed or conflict.
2. 57% would leave the Pastorate if they had a good alternative.
3. 60% think ministry has negatively impacted their family life.
4. 90% work more than 50 hours weekly 
5. The average Pastorate is 4 years!
6. 94% feel under constant pressure to have a perfect family life.
7. 45% of wives feel constant danger of having a health problem

H.B. London, Pastors' at Greater Risk

I am very happy that H.B. London and Asbury Seminary are confronting this problem. Over the past week I have been posting about Family Roles. One of the Roles is the Over Functioning Family Member that arises out of inner Anxiety and drives that person to try to be  Hero or Martyr. Such drive cannot be changed by offering advice and strategies for slowing down. It comes from within the heart and mind not from outside stresses.

Take the Stress Check List and get the free feedback from us and sit down to discuss it with a trusted friend or spouse.  Next we will send you a simple set of tools to set priorities and goals. It is a beautiful place to begin.

The Free Family Stress Test on our web is a great way for a Pastor or Missionary to begin the journey to health and wellness.  

Then you can download the in-depth, long form, The Family VIP Resource Builder, to dig deeper into the issues of support and setting goals. Every month we will send you an update with articles and videos with hints for how to keep improving.

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