Thursday, June 14, 2012

Have you ever seen God Heal a Person?

The Bible is a book of testimonies. It is a book of stories and  miraculous interventions by God even when the people seemed to want God to stay away from them.

One of the first times I saw God touch a person who was very sick and seemingly on his death bed it was a complete shock and very unexpected.  My dad was involved in a terrible car crash in 1968. He hit the steering wheel of the Mustang he was driving and scar tissue from an old surgery shot through his intestines like buckshot.

At first it did not seem as though his injuries were life threatening because they were invisible. But the contents of his intestines flowed out into his blood stream causing a massive infection. Mom called me in Cincinnati from Illinois and I called brother Maury in Maryland to get home asap. We drove all night and got home just as dad was being wheeled into the OR by a very serious Doctor. When I asked about dad's prognosis, Dr. Alexander said, "Get your brother Tom back from Korea immediately". That was Doctor talk for, "It is hopeless".

We called Tom and he started his long trip back from Asia. Dad was restless with a high fever and in pain from the raging infection and post operative trauma. They asked Maury and me to sit by his bed and hold his arms so he was unable to pull out the tubes from his nose, so we sat there for some time. It was a horrible experience with dad groaning and trying to get the tubes out with us holding him down by force.

My ADHD finally got the better of me and I started to pray for Dad and I mumbled out a few halting intercessions without much faith or hope but lots of desperation. After some time, I do not know how much, there was a sense of the Lord's presence in the room, he got quiet, and relaxed from trying to fight us from holding him down. We turned him loose and I knew in my heart that he was healed.

He was.

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