Saturday, May 6, 2017

Thanks for the Birthday Blessings

Peter heard God say, "Take eat from the whole world and leave the old ways behind." So did I.

So many great memories flood my mind as I read the several dozen, over a hundred, birthday blessings from all over the world. I love to hear from my friends old and new.

They remind me of the incredibly rich life I have been given by the Lord. I was reared in poverty along with all my neighbors in a depression era village that sent her soldiers off to war when I was a baby.

From that meager beginning I have been able to travel to many nations and develop deep friendships with people from every socioeconomic and religious background. I discovered that peaceful relationships are possible with every person regardless of background when we interact with mercy and grace that projects respect for each individual.

A young woman in my classes in Asia asked, "Dr. Gary did you always want to be a Christian Missionary and fly around the world to equip people like us"? I knew this question probably came from teaching that we need to have a big vision and big plans.

I said, "I always wanted to be a Missionary but it never occurred to me that I could fly around to different nations and equip Christians to serve the Lord."

When I became a teacher and counselor it never occurred to me that God would use my education to train others to do Soul Care. But God is a very creative Father and I learned to simply respond to His call rather than act on traditions that rejected medical and psychological research.

So, thanks for your affirmations that confirm my choices to leave professional, secular things behind so I could focus my attention of moving with the Spirit.

Maybe God is not finished with me yet.




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