Saturday, March 7, 2015

How To Multiply Money and Ministry

I hope this title got your attention. I am fascinated by the way so many of us Christians think we are smarter than God. Maybe Jesus was not so intelligent after all. Maybe his model for eliminating poverty and  evangelizing the world was wrong. Otherwise, why would so few Christian leaders teach the opposite of Jesus?

Jesus said, Multiply! Not poverty!

Multiply not Add!

Disciple not Preach!

Equip not Teach!

What a scheme. Let us put it to the test with $$$$$. That is where the rubber hits the road! I will multiply money each year and see what happens.

It is called "Compound Interest". Rich people do it every day and they keep getting richer. Poor people try to add and get poorer every year.

Rich people multiply by saving and investing. Poor people add by increasing the minimum wage.

Rich people work smarter and poor people work harder.

Rich people are contented and poor people are covetous.

Politicians love poor people because poor people can be manipulated.

I want to be rich, so I save and invest. If I have $1,000.00 in the bank and get 6% interest at the end of year one I will have $1,060.00.

That $1060.00 will get me 6% interest again in year two so my interest is "Compounding" every year by building on not only the original capital but also on additional amount I made.

This saving and investing will break the poverty cycle.

That may not seem like much but if I leave it in the bank for 12 years it will double my money and I will have $2,000.00. That amount will double again in 12 years. That gives me $4,000.00 and it will also double in 12 years! for $8,000 and that will double again and again and again!

How do I know it will double in 12 years? It is simple math that I will explain in another post. 

How does that sound?

Get my books and watch my free video tapes to learn how to Multiply your financial, spiritual and emotional life.

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