Friday, September 5, 2014

What is Addiction?

Today it is popular to use the term "addiction" when we mean we really like some food, beverage, behavior or music. "Oh, man, I am addicted to chocolate!"

or, "I am addicted to following the Chicago Cubs!"

These are not addictions but desires and strong habits. I have posted before on this topic but here goes again. This formula lays out the issue distinctly.

AB = C + D Addictive Behavior Equals Compulsion + Dependency 

We can be Compulsive and not be Addicted: Compulsions are inner drives to repeat a behavior as a way to reduce my inner discomfort.

We can be Dependent but not be Addicted: Dependency is an inner drive to repeat a behavior that gives me a high. 

The Addiction Cycle includes inner drives to reduce pain and increase pleasure. To heal the C + D we need to reduce inner pain and find a positive substitute for the high. 

Inner Healing reduces inner pain
Worship and prayer can increase positive highs

My Breaking Free book tells how to do both.

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