Saturday, August 23, 2014

Is Everyone Mentally Ill?

We sure hear a lot about Mental Illness from the papers, TV and now some church leaders. After Matthew Warren shot himself there were some tweets, blogs and articles that either attacked Rev. Warren and his wife or attacked churches for a lack of compassion toward those with Mental Illness.

In other words, the social media was all over the place because people are in many different places and all it takes to seem like an expert is write you opinion on Facebook.

First, allow me to say that every time a person feels depressed, sad or angry does not mean he/she is mentally ill. Unfortunately, many people throw those terms out to describe anyone with a conflict or who is having emotional distress. These groups tend to say that 20% of Americans are mentally ill and every one of them needs professional, clinical counseling! That is too high, and, in my opinion, anyone in distress can receive assistance from family and friends. (See Hope and Change for Humpty Dumpty for details on how to help hurting persons.)

1 comment:

Gary Sweeten said...

Anyone who listens carefully can be a source of healing. People are lonely, scared, isolated and wondering if anyone cares. Just show a little kindness.