Friday, August 15, 2014

A Powerful Reminder of the Past, Present and Future

This is a heart warming and transforming video of a few seconds without a word being said that touches me deeply. It was developed as a commercial but promotes great values not just products.

Americans are very blessed. i did not have any control about the parents I have or the country in which I was born and have citizenship. That was God's grace for which we have no explanation.

Some Americans react with anger and resentment about the blessings of America. Our wealth, freedom, ability to worship or refuse to worship all bring agony to them and some attempt to change our country and make it like other less blessed places.

Not me. I am very happy to be born in a nation where, although poor and sick I was able to get an education and do very well because I could innovate and create wealth. I do not want to kill America but pass its strengths and blessings on to the world.

I do that by teaching people in over 100 nations how to live in peace and prosperity with their families and neighbors. Freedom within leads to freedom in relationships and freedom in politics and work. Inner, spiritual death leads to physical, relational and political destruction.

As an educator, I want to learn how better to share my values half as well. Everything I teach and write has these themes. Pass it on. (See my web for great materials, cheap as eBooks on PDF.)

Gary Sweeten

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