Thursday, May 8, 2014

Helping Addicts

                       The Healing Teams (No White Coats!)

If you want to know how my colleagues turned the corner on addictions, divorce, poverty and violence in Russia come to meet Galina Chentsova at Dwelling Place next Wednesday night at 7:00 PM. The church is on 9335 Remington Road, Loveland. It will be worth your time to see how they have built an intensive program and process of spreading the good news around the former USSR. 

When I first visited men were passed out in droves all over the streets.  Over 50% of the men were alcoholics. It was much worse than Over the Rhine in Cincinnati. Now, there are many ways and places they can get sober and their families get healed. 

The things we tried first failed! Failed miserably! The traditional Medical Disease Model also failed in the days of the USSR. Then we tried our own Medical Disease Model but we had to learn what would work and what would not work!

If it works, DO MORE 
If it fails, STOP IT

Most of the ideas being suggested to deal with drugs in America have and will fail. But not before we spend BILLIONS trying to do things the wrong way. 

Come and hear her speak and talk with her. By the way, we have books and teachings on doing it the right way. But our way is cheap and non bureaucratic. 

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