Monday, May 19, 2014

Good News from Moscow

Small cells of Christians dedicated to helping others meet regularly for prayer, fellowship and learning. Pray for them. 

The battle for sanity and sobriety in Russia is progressing. Despite the resistance of the wickedness of drug pushers, the past trauma of Christians and churches, the lack of widely accessible Christian recovery ministries, we see numerous people having good experiences.

1. Hundreds are finding Christ.
2.Pastors and Priests are being healed and strengthened to lead.
3. Churches of all sorts are gaining strength and impact after 70 years of suppression, persecution and poor leadership.
4. Ministries dedicated to growth, healing and recovery are growing despite strong governmental disapproval.
5. Our colleagues have multiplied over and over from Moscow to Siberia to Simferopol.

You can send a donation to Russia at our web page.

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