Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Why are leaders nearly always called Elders in the Bible?

1. Seminary Graduate?
2. Ordained?
3. Graduated from high school?
4. Older, mature adult?

It is # 4. As I mentioned earlier St. Paul required Leaders/Pastors to have grown children, otherwise it was impossible to see if they can lead. If they cannot lead their own little family how can they lead the family of God?

Not only that, but lead them to have mature, healthy relationships.  The ability of their children to "Speak the truth in love" is evidence that the parents modeled that skill and level of emotional maturity. Such maturity is sorely lacking in the church/para-church leaders.

As my wife asked rhetorically after a particularly angry, immature statement by a famous Christian, "Why are so many famous leaders immature, angry men?"  We need leaders who have been well trained by parenting to be full of the Fruit of the Spirit.

The family forges and equips Pastors and Leaders and the quiz is how their kids act.

Read our mateials on healing, growth and equipping.

1 comment:

marcusohara@aol.com said...

Well said, as always Gary.