Saturday, February 23, 2013

Do We Believe the Bible?

One of the clearest commands in scripture is from Jesus to "Go out to the entire world and make disciples". MT 28:18. It has been repeated so often that most mature Christians are tired of hearing it. Despite that, few disciples are made because few churches try making disciples and few Christian leaders are adept at making disciples.

Like the weather, it is often talked about but seldom practiced.

Making disciples is difficult. A disciple is a student. A graduate disciple is a person that has mastered a certain set of skills and knowledge. For the mass of Christians in the world few have mastered either knowledge or skills.

All of my classes are designed to produce men and women who have both skill and knowledge. they are designed with the following skeleton outline in mind to make sure we cover both knowledge and skill. It forms a DREAMS Acrostic.

D-Didactic is lecture and reading or listening to the content and theory of knowledge. It is biblical knowledge but not good for applying skills.

R-Reflection means we get to think new knowledge over and discuss it so as to make it really ours.

E-Experience allows us to practice the application part of the new knowledge. "Truth separated from experience will always be in doubt".

A-Accountability means we have a supervisor who helps us correct our mistakes and rewards our accuracy.

M-Modeling allows us to see and hear how things are done properly.

S-Supernatural brings God's presence into the process and means what we are learning changes us into His image more each day. It brings transcendence to the table.

A Christ Follower needs all this every day.

Our web has many free materials and some premium materials for sale.

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