Monday, February 26, 2018

Mental Illness and Guns

Many people, including the President and other political leaders are attempting to solve the issue of killings in America. One theme is to deny everyone that is "Mentally Ill" the right to buy a gun. As a result, they could not hunt or protect themselves. 

Such an idea makes sense on its face. The notion that a madman like those in the movies getting machine guns is scary and should not be allowed to get any gun.

The kid that killed all those folks in Florida was not, as far as I have read, been diagnosed as being "Mentally Ill". But he was dangerous and needed to be stopped. 

In America, anyone that seeks Counseling for Anxiety, Depression, Alcohol/Drug Addiction, Down syndrome, Autism, Grief, Post Partum Depression, etc, is categorized as "Mentally Ill". In order to have the Counseling/Psychotherapy paid by insurance, it must be "Diagnosed as a Mental Illness". (Beth Brinsko, correct me here if I am wrong.)  

This is why some of us are concerned about making laws based on categories that can be misunderstood and misused. It is like the HIPPA Law. I visited a man in the hospital that was a member of our church. He was registered in his middle name so they would not give me his room number. A well intended law applied badly.

Plus, I will add one additional thought. I will donate $10.00 to a charity for every person murdered in Cincinnati that was shot by a person with a legally owned and registered gun. 

Let us pray for wisdom for our politicians and educators.

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