Monday, February 5, 2018

Blind Spots

I was heading up to Centerville, Ohio near Dayton last week to meet with a friend at Starbucks. I sent him a Message to ask for directions.There are many coffee shops in Dayton and I have gone to the wrong places many times when scheduled to meet at a chain cafe.

His message was clear. Starbucks is across the RT 741 from Lexus.  So, with time to spare I started to drive the 45 minutes up to the appointed place. I went up 741 for miles and never saw a Lexus Car place. In fact, I drove around so long I needed gas, stopped and asked a man where the Lexus dealership was so I could find the coffee shop. He sent me about five miles East but that did not sound right. 

On my way I stopped for lunch and asked a guy sitting at the table next to me, and he said, "Oh, just go back here on 741 to the third stop light. It is on the corner." I had been up and down that road looking several times but I tried it one more time.

Sure enough,at the third stop light I saw Starbucks and turned in to the parking lot. However, there was no car dealer anywhere around! Confused and frustrated, I went in and took a seat. I looked across the street to see the sign out in front of the building. To my shock, it said: Lexis Nexis!!!

I was looking for Lexus Automobiles and was unable to SEE Lexis. I had a blind spot so when I passed by the LexisNexis Building, I did not actually say it the same as Lexus automobiles. I had what is called, "Perceptual Blindness". Our brains can only process one thing at a time. 

It is why we can miss so much others are saying. My friend's text was accurate but my mind did not interpret it the same. 

No wonder couples spend half their time asking, "What did you say?" No wonder we can read the same Bible passage and "see" different meanings. 

No wonder we see President Trump's actions so differently. If I see Trump as a positive force, his comments about immigration are reasonable. If I see him as an evil man I will interpret his comments as racist. 

We have a Blind Spot that can keep us trapped in our own, distorted perceptual world. Was the Nunes memo trying to destroy the FBI or is it designed to clean it up? What is your blind spot?

Romans 12:2 says we can "Transform our minds by Renewing it supernaturally." Yes, we know that every person carries around a distorted mind. But hope is on the way.   

Get my book Power Christian Thinking to learn how to Renew your Mind according to the Bible and remove some blind spots. 

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