Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Break The Poverty Cycle

We have tried to declare war on poverty but I think we lost. It seems that the people who designed the war had a lot of compassion but not much wisdom about how people respond to money, rewards and punishments. There is an old saying in Ministry:

If you want more of the same behavior, reward it.

If you want less, punish it. 

In the war on poverty we rewarded the behavior that brings Poverty and punished the behavior that brings Prosperity. Then it is called a Death Spiral.

Can you think of any families, cities or nations that have been in a Death Spiral?

List them in your head:


We equip Christians to prosper spiritually, emotionally and financially. Wherever Christians have lived by the precepts of the Bible they have developed communities of health and growth. You can get the materials and learn how to teach others yourself by applying them to your own life. 

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