Tuesday, November 18, 2014

22 Years of Expansion in Russia

Even before the Soviet Union collapsed we knew God was calling us to set up our equipping ministry in Russia. We did not know how we could do it behind the Iron Curtain but we believed God was pointing us toward that vast land of 11 Time Zones.

Then, miraculously, in 1989, the whole facade collapsed like an empty balloon. The enslaved populace was set free from the evil slavery of Socialism. There was a promise of an end to murder by state and a lawlessness built on government power and lies.

As a faith based organization, we were severely restricted from any open ministry until 1989. The Soviets killed 92,000 Russian Orthodox Priests and destroyed 12,000 church buildings.

In 1990 I met a Christian Psychologist who invited me to Moscow and a year later I flew from Oslo to Moscow to meet a group of Christians in Psychology. At that meeting was a Psychiatrist who said she wanted to visit us in Cincinnati and learn how we treated people in our Christ centered in-patient units. She came in 1992 and returned to establish an organization designed to train Peer Helpers and Lay Pastors.

Because we always train new people to multiply themselves dozens of times the group has spread all over the Russian Republic. Pray for them. Support them by sending a generous donation. 

They must remain anonymous still.

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