Thursday, September 5, 2013

God Chooses and Who Can Resist

There are a great many funny and ironic stories in the Bible. That is if you see the biblical characters as real men and women with all the flaws and warts of modern humans. One time I was sharing about Saul/Paul having a real problem with anger and rage. In fact, I think it was his "Thorn in the flesh".

A pious former Missionary took exception to my remarks. I intended them as a reflection of God's grace and my need for as much grace as Saul/Paul. The former Missionary, though, imagined I was attacking Paul and putting him down. He could not stand hearing me say he was a man like us.

But in James 5 we can read how Elijah was described as a man just like us. Despite his flaws and warts he prayed and God stopped the rain. He prayed again and God gave rain! Why is James saying such things about the saintly Elijah? First, they are true. Second, the focus is on the greatness of God not the greatness of Elijah. Third, we do not have to be great to pray with faith and get answers.

We are all in process. Today Karen and I had lunch with an old friend we first met in 1973. Back then he lived in an apartment we owned near the UC campus. He had just come to faith in Christ after about ruining himself with drugs. He was a mess.

Now he is a father of a young man and an Elder in a big local church and teaching theology and prayer. He is also teaching basic writing at a community college and showing God's love to poor students. He has been redeemed and recovered from addiction. He gives proof to the statement that:

One redeemed and recovered person can positively impact thousands. 

One redeemed and recovered group can positively impact a nation.

One redeemed and recovered movement can positively impact the world. 

Read our healing and recovery books at the web page and learn how to impact the world.

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