Monday, March 26, 2018

Did Harvey Weinstein Commit Sins?

It seems pretty clear right now that Harvey Weinstein has committed a lot of bad acts in his adult life. Many of the things he was doing seem clearly illegal. They were certainly odious socially and contrary to the social consciousness of modern Americans. What in the world led Harvey and others to engage in such acts?

Mr. Weinstein was a free thinker when it came to meeting with and having sex with women who were not his wife. As a friend about the same age as Weinstein recently told me, "I do not know a single man that did not have multiple sex partners before marriage!" 

Since Hugh Hefner made Free Sex an acceptable mantra with "The Playboy Philosophy" sexual pleasures, hooking up, friends with benefits, and playing around have become regular occurrences in America. Pornography is touted as a great way for couples to better enjoy themselves and "50 Shades of Gray", a book on S&M is a best seller, read mostly by females! 

It even appears that the Me Too Movement is trying to take us back into a Victorian Age. Now some women are accusing men of sexual abuse because they hugged them too long or were bad sex partners. Other men are attacked because of sexual acts that happened 20 years ago when they were praised and celebrated as exciting. Is there no "Statute of Limitations" on consensual and even paid sexual relationships? 

Christians are torn by all these contradictory activities. We despise the "Playboy Philosophy" and yet we also believe in forgiveness, redemption, and mercy. How do we deal with such immorality? 

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