Saturday, March 3, 2018

Building Mental Health in Churches and Schools

I recently posted a blog about the 5 different levels of mental/ emotional/ spiritual health. It has received a lot of hits. The topic is obviously of great interest to many of us if not most.

As a result of the recent killings in Florida, the debate over how to contain future killers is hot and heavy. Many suggest that we need more and better mental health counseling. That would likely include laws to control mentally unstable people from buying guns. 

I don't want mentally unstable persons to have guns. However, the ability of a professional, clinical, Counselor to diagnose such a person before they have committed a crime is fraught with legal and diagnostic challenges. For example, the family with whom Nikolas Cruz lived saw no signs of violence in his walk, talk, or actions. 

Could a therapist have done better? Maybe, but unless the young man says, "I am going to harm another person, I, as a Professional could not take his gun away. We cannot even demand that a person take his medications. The ACLU, not the NRA, has seen to that. 

It is frustrating and painful to see so many people hurt day by day in our nation and I am thinking about ways to reduce the despair that drives people to be violent.

There is a dramatic shortage of Professional Therapists toady. My own Counseling Center, Life Way in Cincinnati, does a lot of good but there is a big need for more.  

My way has been to train thousands of people in Peer Counseling so they can help people in distress get enough healing and change that they will not take out their rage on others. We have trained over 150 Mentors to support "At Risk Kids". Maybe they can minister to a kid in pain and prevent a rampage of anger and killing. 

Can you support us as we expand our ministry to "Heal the broken hearted and set the captives free".

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