Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Increase Attendance and Giving

Giving is down at many churches. Why? This survey by the Lifeway Baptist Ministry tells why. I spend a lot of time listening to Seasoned Believers-folks who have known Christ for a long time and who are now dissatisfied with their church and no longer tithe or give all of their support to the local church.

Many of my friends are upset about the churches they attend and "church hop" from one event to another to attend with kids or grand kids or friends. One of my closest friends said recently that "I feel so free now that I don't attend anywhere.

At the same time most of these people want to give their tithes and offerings to some ministry that is making a difference. They also want to be involved with a church or ministry that is "Making a difference for Jesus." In fact, many of them have started personal or family foundations and are giving large amounts to ministries they trust.

I have some advice for Pastors and Elders: "Listen to your people!!!" Many of the current church leaders are assuming they know what the people SHOULD want and need so they neglect their flock. Several congregations come to mind who spend more time, energy and money helping people in the inner city or overseas than the hurting people in the church at home.

SweetenLife just completed a yearlong research project where we spent hours developing Quality Of Life Questionnaires that people filled out with their honest answers about stresses, needs, spiritual needs and family needs. We actually asked our "Customers" what they wanted and needed!

When was the last time you heard of a church actually asking their members what would be helpful to them? Whe the very famous Willow Creek church in Chicago asked their people what they wanted and needed, they discovered to their shock that 25% of the most mature and generous were planning to leave the church.

What a shock! What would you find if you did some QOL Assessments? Would you discover why people are leaving rapidly out the back door? Would you take their input seriously?

Do you really WANT to know?

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