Saturday, October 22, 2011

Billionaires Pass

Two Billionaires Die; Which Impacted Us More?

One of the billionaires had a deep father wound and rejected his dad by refusing to even acknowledge his existence.

The other honored his father and did everything he could to affirm his parents.

One of them rebelled against his heavenly father and turned to a belief in karma, salvation by self-effort; the other honored God and served Him faithfully and gladly with hope and understanding of His grace.

One Man lived to less than 60 years while the other lived to age 92

One man fought against medical care and held on stubbornly to the notion he could heal himself the other not only sought medical assistance but funded hospitals and clinics for everyone’s benefit and whose name is on numerous buildings, parks and good works.

One man rarely supported charities with his time, money and name but the other is famous for funding and supporting charities large and small of all religious and ethnic backgrounds.

One man was hard to deal with or work for and aggressively attacked people he disliked and disagreed with religiously while the other was a hard headed business man that eagerly sought cooperation with people of all religions and treated employees as members of the family.


Can you think of other major differences between these two men?

1 comment:

Gary Sweeten said...

The 60 Minutes show about the book on Steve Jobs is fascinating and insightful. Walter Isaacson, the author, spent a lot of time in 40 interviews of Jobs. He notes that Jobs was obviously deeply wounded by his father's abandonment. Steve refused to reconcile with his dad and refused to forgive him. He refused to be healed and it seems directly correlated with Job's extreme stubbornness and rebellion.