Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Prayer for Healing

While I was walking down the hall to see my mother in law, I heard a voice say, "Hello Gary. How are you today?"

I stopped and turned toward the voice and saw a lady who was in our church many years ago. She looked sad and down. I responded, "Hello, Eve, How are you doing?'

She started to cry and said, "Oh, I am not doing well. In fact, I am doing really badly. Did you know that Joe died last month? I just miss him so much."

I listened to her as I placed my arm around her shoulders and said "Hello" to her youngest daughter. She talked for a minute or so and asked if I had a Counselor to recommend to her for depression. We chatted on for a few minutes and I asked if I could pray for her. She quickly agreed that she wanted me to pray for her and I lifted up my voice to God right there in the hallway.

Through tears of grief mixed with relief Eve said, "You prayed for me to be healed many years ago and I was healed. Do you remember that?'

I tried to remember that event but we prayed for hundreds of people every month so I was a blank. I said "goodbye" to her and her daughter and walked on down the hallway feeling so blessed that we can go to the Lord in prayer any time and any place. And, I rejoiced in the fact that my friend had faith to believe because God had touched her life once before.

You can call on the Lord for any issue or any concern with or without a Clergyman or Priest to speak for you. God is present 24 hours each day 7 days each week. Although God may not answer your request exactly like you want, He will answer it. God had touched Eve and healed her knee as she had asked and I am sure He gave her some relief last week when we prayed again.

Whey is there so little prayer for people in need? How often do you read a blog that says, "I prayed for a person in pain"? It is rare because prayer for people is rare. In fact, some churches and clergy teach that God no longer answers our prayers so don't even try it. Others say that only clergy are allowed to pray and then in a "holy place". These are excuses and pretty pitiful ones at that.

I often carry my anointing oil with me in a brief case. Since I was visiting my mother in law that day I failed to carry the oil. However, I did not allow that to keep me from taking her care to God in prayer. Nor did I allow the fact that we were in the public hallway keep me from praying.

Be bold. Be fervent in the spirit and take the initiative. Pray for people.
Minister in the Holy Spirit.

Show God's love in practical ways and see if He won't show up.

Go to Sweeten Life web page for more on these ideas.

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