Thursday, September 25, 2014

Worse Than Spanking

There are several recent events that have hit the front pages and caused quite a furor. The main even has been about a football player who took a switch to his little boy. The Twitter feeds, TV Talk shows and Sports' shows have focused more on this event than winning and losses.

As a result of photographs and videos the emotional responses of talking heads have been about as reactive
as the father who gave the spanking.

Let me say up front that I think the whipping was wrong and inappropriate. As a father, grandfather and teacher of kids I can understand that we can get angry at a child but we ought never take our rage out on another person. 

But the issues surrounding the event as as clear as the Mississippi River-muddy!

The father has 9 or 10 children by as many women. He is a "baby father" not a father that actually knows and nurtures those children. His abandonment of the children he sired is many times worse than his spanking one with a switch. Don't people realize how destructive sex outside of wedlock is for the children and mothers? 

Is that too radical? Am I wrong? Is spanking, even the kind that can leave welts not much worse than impregnating a woman and leaving her and the child? NO, NO, a thousand times NO!!

Nope! The statistics show conclusively that children who lose or never have a parent are very likely to have serious emotional/addiction/illness problems as youth and adults. In fact, early death is one result. (Look at the enclosed chart for a summary!)

This man is a brute to drop his seed and produce children he never nurtures. If people are to lose their jobs for unethical, immoral, harmful behavior make it abandonment not spanking.

He was too reactive and mean to switch the child but he is murdering the souls of ten children by abandoning them. The welts on the child are visible and sickening but temporary. The trauma caused by a serial sex thief on the unattended children is invisible and life long.

 Spanking will not result in early death! Abandonment will.

See my book Breaking Free on family healing and growth.

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