Friday, September 26, 2014

Developing Spiritual Peace and Joy 4

Renew Mind Don’t conform to the world’s thinking but be transformed by renewing your mind. RO 12:2

Do not let anxiety overcome you because of life’s problems. Pray and thank God and you will have peace. Think on the things that are true, honorable, pure, right, lovely, a good reputation, excellent, stuff worth our affirmation, and dwell on them mindfully. And practice what you know. Philippians 4: Selected

The long term key to peaceful thinking and joy is developing the mind of Christ. Until I learned about how the brain works I wanted to renew my mind and think like the Bible said, but I was stuck. I was stuck in the old, Stinking Thinking patterns I developed as a child. 

The Bible says, "When I became a mature adult I put away childish things." I desperately wanted to do that but I did not know how. I was determined to think correctly, feel peacefully and show nothing but love, peace and kindness to others. 

I failed miserably. When I failed I had a flood of negative thoughts and ruminations about how bad I was. I would beat myself up and angrily accuse myself of all kinds of bad things. Did that give me peace? NO! Did it teach me how to think like Christ? NO!

When I was head of a Christian in-patient psychiatric unit I discovered that just about every resident was actively thinking like me only worse. The hated themselves. Some had been through tough times of trauma, abandonment and even abuse so they came to the conclusion that no one loved them because they were flawed. 

That is bad enough, but even worse was the fact that THEY AGREED they were trash. So, they treated themselves like trash. As a result, I asked every person one question followed by another.

1. How is God treating you?
Resident: Great! God is good.

2. Are you treating yourself as good as God is treating you?
Resident: That would be wrong. I can't do that. It is pride. 

Read my book, Power Christian Thinking for more insights. 

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