Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Faith in God and Healthy Babies

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal tells us that most types of stress that bother expectant mothers is relatively harmless for the unborn child but certain kinds of stress can be harmful to the child. What do you think is most harmful?

Stress about money?

Stress about work issues?

Stress about housework?

The answer is, "None of these issues".

The most harmful stress comes from within and it has to do with anxiety about the child. Faith and hope and fellowship reduces anxiety, stress and worry. Get together with other pregnant women and talk things out. Find some older women to join the group so they can talk about pregnancy from a more objective point of view.

Learn to take your stinking, thinking and make it full of faith and love. Add at least twenty minutes of prayer to your day and watch the fears roll off your back.

So, if you are worried about your baby, get some help. But first, read the story.

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