Thursday, March 20, 2014

Trauma Comes Like a Thief in the Night

The end result of following a cycle of Adversity = Pessimism = Anger = Rumination = is Trauma that is self-inflicted. Each time our brain repeats an Adverse event it reproduces Shock and Damage as deep as the original event. This means that the brain and body are subject to Re-Traumatizing Itself every time we practice Stinking Thinking.

Over time we are more damaged by our self-talk than we are by outside assaults. Just consider this fact. We do far more harm to ourselves than we receive from others. We can easily move Shock and Trauma to Abuse and Stinking Thinking that brings deep Anxiety and Clinical Depression.

When we had the Teleios Ministry Center at our church we had people from all over the world come to Cincinnati for personal ministry as well as for training about how to set up their own center for Growth and Healing. Numerous Christian Leaders as well as people in the pews were desperate to escape the terrors of emotional distress and behavioral compulsions.

Because of this fact I started to educate folks about the positive power of Christian truths and the importance of helping them apply Romans 12:1-2.

I beg you my friends in the Name of Jesus to present your bodies to God as a living sacrifice. That will be a great spiritual ingredient for worship. 

Do not forget to stop allowing yourself and your thinking to be forced into the mold of the world powers. Instead, renew your mind and be transformed in your entirety. Then you will be able to find the will of God so you can do that which is good, and proper and valuable for maturity.

We decided to take all of these people, leaders and laity through the basic steps to apply Romans 12.People struggling with sexual compulsions, fighting, arrogance, fear, depression, etc. and we saw miracles of change. You want to change? If not,stay the same. It is your right. if you want to change you can do it over time.

In fact you can spend $4.00 and get better, stronger, and happier. Power Christian Thinking is key!!


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