Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Research and Innovation are for Heroes

One of the most important people in the 20th Century was honored recently in the U.S. Capitol. I have read about him a few times and tried to get my arms around his positive impact in the world. He is not as famous as a hundred movie stars or athletes but he is said to have saved a million lives with his academic and practical research.

As a farm boy from Iowa, Norman went to the University of Minnesota where he studied science. Now days he would be a top student in STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Math). Because of Norm, top political and educational leaders understand why STEM students are so important to our future.

Norman Borlag is still saving the lives of millions despite the hate of many on the Left who want to stop growing so much genetic modified crops. We need many more scientists like Norm or these people in Africa will starve.

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