Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Music With Bad Theology

I usually listen to our local Christian radio station in the mornings. The early show is very good with nice, simple encouraging talks in between the "Top 40 Christian Songs". This morning was no different.

As a rule I like the music and find it theologically and biblically balanced. Occasionally they play a song that I hear many times each week and always dislike because the tune is wonderful but the message is not. It is:

"Take This World and Give Me Jesus!
This is not where I belong!"

Yikes! No wonder so many believers fail to minister to their neighbors and help those in need.  No wonder so many Christians are poor and fail to succeed. They want to be in heaven and deny their existence on earth.

As an old friend was fond of saying, "As a kid, the only hope that kept our church alive was the desire to die and go to heaven!"

What a life destroying idea. It can drive us to be "So heavenly minded that we are no earthly good".

We do belong here on earth. This is my Father's world!

Read my books to discover how to integrate theology and the daily practices of life! 

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