Friday, February 2, 2018

Thinking and Self- Improvement

In a French study published last year in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, cyclists raced against a virtual-reality avatar of their previous best performance. When the avatar was secretly sped up by 2%, the cyclists managed to go 2% faster, but when the avatars accelerated by 5%, the benefits disappeared. The mind can deliver incremental gains, not quantum leaps.
Perhaps the most powerful and widely applicable technique for changing how your brain interprets incoming signals is to train yourself with motivational self-talk. 
Whether you’re conscious of it or not, you have an internal monologue running through your head during difficult tasks, and it has a measurable impact on how effortful you perceive those tasks to be. It is possible to channel that monologue in productive ways.
Many athletes consider such techniques a little hokey. My college track teammates and I laughed our way through the mandatory self-talk training we received from a well-meaning sports psychologist, figuring that if we honed our muscles and our maximum oxygen uptake sufficiently, we wouldn’t need to worry about such flimflammery.
The Bible is way ahead of our scientists in this regard and we at Sweeten Life Systems has written and taught what the Bible says for almost 40 years. If you want to know how to alter your thinking according to the Bible, go to our web site and buy the eBook Power Christian Thinking. 

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