Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Influence and Change Chapter 4

In church meetings designed to suggest changes and innovations , we need to be persuasive. Look at assets not just deficits. Affirm the congregation for past and current successes. Honor the fathers and mothers for their innovative ways. 

Brag on past leaders. Show photos of key people that have guided the church. Connect them to changes and suggest they would welcome current changes. 

If we know major innovations are needed, being patient in order to select and train innovators to facilitate changes is necessary. We need people to come alongside and support new people. However, it is hard to do, especially when growing fast. It is necessary. 

In one church a new Minister asked himself, "How do I get this board to lead new ways of doing things at this church?" God's answer was clear: 

"This board has no need or desire to change. It will take a group of innovators and change-makers to go where God is leading. Choose key men and women and coach them how to lead." 

He did and five years later the church was booming. yep, it took five years to prepare changemakers. 

Slow down and make small, incremental changes. It has to be one day at a time and one change at a time. 

Start with the structures first. Adult education is usually a great place to begin. Never, ever try to change the morning worship first. We all have memories of our favorite songs and preachers. But few have had great experiences with adult education.

Get a small group to be with you and catch the vision. 

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We lead innovation 

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