Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Long Road of Spiritual Growth

Why is it taking me so long to get better? This was the title of a great book by a Presbyterian Minister back in the Seventies.  Why were the Disciples of Jesus so resistant ti growth and change?

Change is hard. Change takes a long time. Why do we resist change?

Go to You Tube and watch my ten minute video on The Four Stages of Growth and discover why growth is difficult. I cover the four stages everyone must pass through to master a new habit.

Unconsciously Incompetent:

I do not know that which I do not know. In discipleship Growing into Maturity in Christ I did not know that I was ignorant of so many things that I really needed to know to be mature and equipped for every good work. I had assumed that when I came to Christ the journey was over. I knew the verse that said, "Those in Christ are new creatures and the old has passed away." I thought that meant I was already complete and whole. WOW! Was I ever wrong. That is the beginning not the end of the educational and training process. 

Consciously Incompetent: 

I can remember times when I heard something or saw a verse in the Bible that told me I was wrong and there was much much more to learn and grow in. One time I was sitting in a service with all kinds of criticisms and complaints running through my head about how the Pastor should change and the church should change.

The Lord spoke to me and said, "You have a lot of suggestions for the Pastor don't you." I said, "I certainly do Lord. Are you going to let me tell them?"

I heard very clearly the Spirit said, "A suggestion is really a criticism. You are very critical aren't you?" 

I replied, "Oh not critical,  just know better what to do."

Then God said, "Never criticize again until you learn what to do yourself!"

In anger I said to myself and the invisible voice, "All right then! I just listen until I know what I am doing."

God said, "Good. Just be silent and listen!" 

But I did not know how to listen. It caused me to become Conscience of My Incompetence. That led me to want to get some teaching about how to develop the skills of listening. 

Consciously Competent:

I can take a class and start practicing my newly learned skills but must think about each move since it has not become a new habit yet. 

Unconsciously Competent:

This is what we are aiming for as disciple makers. Until a disciple can do automatically what he/she has learned it is still in the process of becoming real. This is the habitual stage of worship, prayer, witnessing, etc. It is what a master dancer or athlete does each time he/she performs.

One time Michael Jordan was asked why he stuck his tongue out when he was driving to the basket. He said, "Do I stick out my tongue?"

What are you working on that is taking you through these stages? Are you developing a new skill, a new language, a new habit, a new diet? All will have to go through these stages to reach competency.

By the way, learning to love and listen are very difficult and require constant work but keep up the hard work.

Gary Sweeten

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