Sunday, October 2, 2011

Help I am Angry with my Spouse

Although the Bible tells us to go ahead and be angry, it has a special meaning and that makes a big difference to how we live and get along. In fact, the wisdom of the Bible in is regard is amazing. I was warned about going to college and getting too much education so I thought that my studies in psychology and counseling would strongly contradict the Bible that I found so great in my newly formed Christian life. But I was wrong.

St. Paul tells us that anger is a normal, natural feeling response to frustration, pain, and other life situations. But then he goes on to say, "Be careful and do not let your bitterness seep into the deep heart and destroy your relationships." (This is my rephrase of Ephesians 4:26)

As a Family Therapist I have found that feeling angry can be appropriate and healthy but letting it turn into a bitter, judgmental attitude of revenge is dangerous and can lead to divorce. In fact, this is what happens in many if not most American divorces.

I suggest that every Christian learn how to deal with anger healthily. Prevention can save us from a lot of pain.

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